How to Troubleshoot Low or Fluctuating Pressure in Your Active 2.3 Pressure Washer
Low or fluctuating pressure in your pressure washer can disrupt cleaning efficiency and be a frustrating experience. If you're encountering this issue with your Active 2.3, follow this guide to check common causes and resolve them.
Step 1: Check the Water Supply
The first step is to make sure your water supply meets the recommended criteria. Ask yourself:
- Is your water source between 40-100 PSI, with a flow rate of at least 4 gallons per minute (GPM)? If your water source is from a tank or well rather than city water, verify that it’s providing adequate pressure and flow.
- Are all waterways clear, with no leaks that could decrease pressure?
- Is the garden hose kinked anywhere, restricting water flow?
Check the garden hose filter for any debris buildup, as this can restrict flow and lower pressure.
Step 2: Inspect for Internal Leaks
If pressure issues persist, there may be an internal leak in your unit. In particular, water may be bypassing internal valves inside the pump, which reduces pressure output.
Step 3: Address Air in the System
Air trapped inside your unit can lead to fluctuating pressure. If you notice pressure drops within the first five minutes of use, it’s likely due to air in the washer. Follow these steps to purge air from the system:
- Ensure the water source is connected, but keep the unit off.
- Squeeze the trigger until water flows evenly from the end of the unit at garden hose pressure.
Once a steady stream flows, your unit is purged and ready for use, minimizing pressure inconsistencies.
By following these steps, you can identify and resolve most pressure issues with your Active 2.3, ensuring a smooth and powerful clean every time.